The emergence of blockchain technology is revolutionizing the gaming industry, giving rise to a unique ecosystem of Web3 gamers. These players are driven by various motivations, ranging from investment opportunities to the sheer joy of playing. In this article, we delve into the different types of Web3 gamers and explore each type in detail to help you better understand their motivations and behaviors.
The Bartle Taxonomy and its Limitations
One common framework for examining various player motivations is the Bartle taxonomy of player types, popularized by British games researcher Richard Bartle for use in role-playing games. This classic classification categorizes players according to their preferred actions and motivations within a game.

However, this taxonomy was developed before the advent of blockchain gaming and doesn’t account for the play-to-earn concept. As a result, it’s necessary to establish a new classification system that better reflects the blockchain gaming landscape.
A New Classification for Blockchain Gamers
To better understand the diverse range of blockchain gamers, we can classify them into three main categories: investors, earners, and players. Each category comprises distinct player types, differentiated by their motivations and goals within the blockchain gaming space.

Investor Types
> Crypto Whales
- Crypto Whales are characterized by their large, deployable funds and are always on the lookout for early opportunities to gain influence in a new blockchain game. They invest in governance or gameplay tokens/NFTs during the initial stages, hoping to see significant long-term value. To retain Crypto Whales, ensure they see a clear path to their purchased assets appreciating in value.
> Early Adopters
- Early Adopters research upcoming projects and invest in collectible NFTs or NFTs with strong in-game utility. They play a critical role in a game’s initial traction and serve as evangelists in the community. To keep them engaged, maintain trust by providing transparent information on future developments and ensure a healthy community environment.
> Entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneurs understand the game’s economy and create in-game value for others by lending, renting, or selling their assets. They maximize passive income streams by scaling their operations. To attract and retain them, offer support for wallet/account management, and ensure a healthy and diverse game economy.
Earner Types
> Silent Investors
- Silent Investors hold portfolios of assets across multiple games and play a passive, long-term role. They invest in collectible NFTs or NFTs with solid in-game utility, aiming to profit over time. A diverse range of tradable assets and a healthy economy are key to attracting these gamers.
> Market Speculators
- Market Speculators are high-frequency traders who benefit from market volatility and help stabilize asset prices. They can be Arbitragers or Pure Speculators. These gamers are drawn to vibrant economies with predictable live-ops, and access to detailed project information is crucial for retaining them.
> Workers
- Workers use the play-to-earn model as an alternative or additional source of income, often coming from lower-income nations. They engage with on-chain assets provided by Entrepreneurs. A healthy economy and sustainable earnings keep them engaged.
Player Types
> Toe Dippers
- New to blockchain gaming, Toe Dippers require low entry barriers and minimal investment. They gradually convert into other player types. Ensure a smooth onboarding process and a supportive community to keep them engaged.
> Gamblers
- Gamblers enjoy the thrill of betting and gambling on-chain. They are attracted to games with fair systems and gameplay mastery. A stable economy and access to detailed project information help retain these gamers.
> Fun Seekers
- Fun Seekers prioritize fun over financial gains. They seek games with great gameplay and a fair experience, ensuring that they are not negatively impacted by wealthier players in the ecosystem.

The Road Ahead
Web3 gaming is attracting a lot of talent and investment, with many executives from Web2 corporations moving to the space. However, despite these developments, the space is still in its early stages. For instance, there are currently around 2,000 blockchain-powered games, compared to over 1 million games on Apple’s App Store alone. This illustrates that there is still a long way to go before Web3 gaming reaches mass adoption.
Understanding the diverse player archetypes in Web3 gaming is crucial for developers to create thriving, sustainable game economies. This article gives you a valuable foundation for understanding the various types of Web3 gamers and their motivations and sets the stage for a more inclusive and thriving gaming ecosystem. By adapting to the changing dynamics and catering to these different player motivations, you can stay ahead in the exciting world of blockchain gaming.